Two 'linked' staves with different transposition

• Aug 22, 2021 - 19:49


I am quite new to MuseScore, but I am searching how to do the following:
I have a single part of music that is played by a Cornet Bb and also a Horn Eb.
So I want two parts, but with different transpositions. Ideally I want the parts to be linked, so whenever I change a note, that both parts change at the same time. I can copy/paste into a different instrument, but isn't there a way to link the parts? With the linked stave option, I am not able to change the transposition (or I am not understanding how)



In reply to by Brer Fox

Unfortunately it will not work because the linked staves form a single part and the transposition is a property of the part not the individual staves.

It would be useful when I need to create identical parts for alternative instruments - e.g. alto clarinet in Eb with an alternative basset horn in F. Or for Tuba in bass clef concert pitch with an alternative part in treble clef Bb or Eb.

In reply to by SteveBlower

Once you've finalised your composition and generated the parts (and saved!), couldn't you just take the alto clarinet part, use Staff/properties to change instrument, adjust name and transposition accordingly and then save with new name? Quicker and safer than copy and paste.

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