Beginner notes

• Sep 11, 2021 - 19:05

Hi, I`ve never written sheet music using a software before but I wanted to make a tutorial for beginners, especially my niece and nephew, and in that regard I went looking for a software where I can create "beginner notes".
What I mean by beginner notes is large font where I can input the name of the note inside the note itself.
Is this feature available on musescore? If not, does anybody know what software who offers this?
Thanks in advance for any answers


To increase the size of the music, increase the staff space size in Format / Page Settings.

To set a staff to include pitch names, right-click it, Staff/Part Properties, Advanced Style Properties.

See also the most recent episode of my MuseScore Café where I demonstrated exactly that and a bunch of other education-related topics -

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