MuseScore Cannot Play Sound - Synthesizer & Mixer Completely Disabled

• Nov 14, 2021 - 21:58

So I've been having this issue for months and it's getting frustrating not being able to hear notes. I'm currently on Windows 11, latest update.
The other computer I work on, an M1 Mac running Big Sur playbacks just fine. Both run 3.6.2.

I've been all over other "no sound" threads and tried everything on this link and no luck.

Tweaking my sound settings (such as disallowing exclusive audio access for applications) and reinstalling Musescore 3 doesn't resolve this.

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In reply to by OGCHRISTXNE

Did you press the "Restart Audio and MIDI Devices" now that you've fixed the problem in your settings (JACK had no chance of every working unless you have JACK installed and configured - it basically tells MuseScore, don't play sound, let JACK do it instead)? Also try restarting MsueScore nd checking that dialog again. And since you've been experiencing the problem for months - was JACK enabled that whole time? - probably best to do Help / Revert to Settings, and if necessary recheck everything from the article you mentioned. Pay special attention to #8 (actually pay close attention to each of the steps) so if you do continue to have trouble, please provide as much of the requested info as possible.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I unchecked the JACK option, restarted audio devices, and restarted the program to do it again.
That was it! Thanks so much. I always noticed my sound preferences set to JACK but didn't realize until now that simply clicking on PortAudio wasn't enough to fix the issue, as well as the fact that I haven't connected headphones to it in a long time to notice.
Everything's back to normal now :)

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