Turn chord symbols back on

• Dec 21, 2021 - 16:48

I somehow turned off the chord symbol sounds. I've tried several things in the hand book and searched quite a bit, but I cannot figure out how to turn chord symbols back on.
Thank you in advance.


In reply to by DanielR

That was the first place I looked. I can't make sense of it.
To disable/enable playback of version 3.5 or later scores: Check/Uncheck score/harmony/play/disableNew (default is unchecked, playback)
I can't find "score". I'm using v. 3.62---. I can find Score Properties, but I cannot find harmony there. The only other "score" that shows up in the help menu is score comparison.
The strange thing is that chords at the end play.

Okay. I solved it. I thought I had checked the inspector, but I guess I didn't see the "play" square in the lower left.
I think I turned them off in order to try exporting so that the chords and melody would be separated when importing as a midi file in a DAW. It is in a lead sheet format at the moment.

I still can't find the "score" referred to in the instructions in the Handbook though.

Thank you.

In reply to by edurbrow

As explained in the Handbook, that option is in Edit / Preferences, not in any properties dialog. But it’s also not relevant here - it doesn’t affect existing scores at all. As explained, this option controls the default for new scores only. Once the score is created, then to change whether chord symbols play or not, use the methods described in the Handbook - the Play box, the Style dialog, or the Mixer.

In reply to by edurbrow

Note that you shouldn't have to turn off chord symbols when exporting to MIDI. Yes, they are rendered to the same track as the staff they're on, but they are placed in a different channel.
Most DAW's can perfectly handle different channels within a MIDI track.

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