Make measures smoother and more readable

• Dec 26, 2021 - 21:24

I wanted to make a album of sheets music and I want to make the sheets more readable and smoother but here I clearly don't know how to move the notes to make this four measures cleaner.

Some advices ?



Try to write only 1 measure on a ligne . Try to get the rests "visible". But there are too many notes for me : we have in the 2 first times of the measure 1 ,too much little notes , max is 16

In reply to by [DELETED] 10838661

OK, it's more simple that what I think, these notes are (in french) FRIORITURES, you find in the Palet (more in the principal Palet) at the 9ème position and you choose the 5ème symbol , you add all the little notes you want, and after you change the pitch. I link your score with example at the end tmp2.mscz

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