Synth Bass 2 in MS 2 different from MS 3

• Mar 12, 2022 - 21:54

Hi there! :)
Can anyone tell me, why the playback of this instrument (synth bass 2) sounds different in the software from the score playbacks online? Online, it sounds like a wood pipe organ (example here: and downloaded it sounds more like a funky plucked e-bass. I'm using muse-score 3. I didn't have this problem on muse score 2, I think. Any idea how to fix this? Or can you suggest an instrument, that sounds like this ? I want this organ sound for choir voice playbacks, because I have found, it's the most useful for checking harmonies and it's pleasing to listen to. So far I haven't found an alternaive.

Your help would be much appreciated!

Thanks in advance! :)


That score stems from MuseScore 2.0.2.
It sounds about the same in 2.3.2 as it does in 3.6.2, but these versions do come with different soundfonts.
Maybe the user back in the day used a custom soundfont and uploaded thesound along with the score?

You can change the sound in Mixer.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I am aware, that you can change the sound in the mixer. But I know for a fact that the instrument used to sound as described, because back in the day I asked for the name of that instrument with the organ-like sound and it turned out to be synth bass 2. So I don‘t think it‘s customized.

But yes, he somehow might have implemented the midi-instrument into the file (or maybe the software does it automatically?)

Hey! Idk if you'll see this, but it made me stupidly happy to see that someone else feels the same way about the old synth bass 2 sound that I do, having also been introduced to it by George Wu's Pentatonix transcriptions. Only recently did I discover how to add that sound to MuseScore 3, going to this page and scrolling down to "List of downloadable soundfonts" to find "MuseScore 2 (up to version 2.1) came with FluidR3Mono_GM.sf3 (13.8 MB)."

But I'm now struggling to add the MuseScore 2 sounds to MuseScore 4. I love the orchestral sounds, but I still want this good ol' synth bass 2 for a cappella arrangements.

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