Converting from Musescore 2 to Musescore 3.

• Mar 27, 2022 - 11:25

I edited a large volume of Bach music for piano in Musescore 2.
When I want to open these scores in Musescore 3 everything is upside down.
Fingerings, dynamics's all over the place except where I originally put it.
Why is this happening and how to do the conversion properly?



It is happening likely because of different style defaults and you having used workaround in MS2 to work around bugs that have been fixed in the meantime. Usually the biggest changes are caused by displaced/overlapping elements where the 3.x collision avoidance now kicks in.
Depending on the reasons, you might get better results by not accepting the new defaults when importing them. Or by accepting them and then Ctrl/Cmd+A, Ctrl/Cmd+R to select everything and reset positioning to the new defaults.

Is there any specific reason for wanting/needing to upgrade those scores? If they're pretty much finished and only need a little correction/tweak, I'd just keep doing that in 2.3.2.
And if they need more work then it might be worth holding off a few months more until MS4 is released, which also comes with improved layouting algorithms.

In reply to by jeetee

Hello. Thanks for your quick reply.
The reason I wanted to convert was because of the more beautiful fonds in MS 3.
I am preparing an edition of Bach's Well Tempered Clavier for publication. An article dedicated to my work/edition will appear in the May issue of the "Pianist Magazine". I need to get everything ready within a few weeks. So, was panicking a bit.
I will try to do as you recommend. If I encounter problems may I contact you again ?
bedankt op voorhand.

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