Measure width

• Apr 3, 2022 - 22:07

Hi, I would like for some measures to be less wide, specifically measures which contain only a whole note, how can I reduce the width of the measures without decreasing the size of everything else?

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Kawolina Kawo 2.mscz 13.7 KB


Right now you have line breaks in, so even if you made the whole note measure artificially small (the default size is pretty much correct already according to standard rules of music notation), it wouldn't give you more measures on the system - it would just make the other measure artificially wide in comparison. So if the goal is to get more music on a system just remove the breaks. Or, if your goal is to make measures without whole notes artificially wide, just increase their stretch. But also, you've already reduced stretch for all of the measures, which doesn't really make sense - this has no effect at all since the breaks prevent more measures from fitting, and if you remove the breaks, now things are way too tight.

So first thing I'd recommend is, remove all system breaks, and then select all and reset stretch. Then start over by adding breaks where you want, and then if you still wish to trweak measures widths further for whatever reason, you should find stretch allows you to alter relative widths within a system but works best in cases like this if you increase the measures that are narrower than you want rather than decrease the ones that are wider.

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