editing notation after you've entered a lot

• Apr 13, 2022 - 21:36

I've been using Musescore several years now, not on a regular basis, but I can do quite a lot with it. One thing that I've never learned to do is to delete rests and/or move notes in time. I tried to follow the handbook where it talks about the note input mode - >insert. But it seems only able to insert things, not to delete, at least it won't delete a rest.
I understand how to move notes up and down the scale if I need to. That's simple. What I want to do is to be able to fully edit a measure by moving, deleting, adding rests as well as notes. I hope I'm being clear.
For example see one measure thing I've attached. How can I get rid of the rest and move the notes following it earlier in time.

Attachment Size
simple.mscz 3.87 KB


I'm guessing you don't actually want to remove the "time" of that rest. But keep the measure as is.

A rest is the representation of silence. You don't delete silence, you replace it by sound.
So select what is after the rest, cut it and then paste it on top of the current rest.

In reply to by jeetee

You are correct that I don't want to remove the time that the rest represents. What I had in mind but didn't say it very well was to be able to drag notes to different places in time the same way I can drag them up and down in pitch. I realize that musescore would then have to keep up with where other things would have to move to.
Thanks for your suggestion of cut and paste. I hadn't thought of that. I tried it this morning and that will help make life a bit easier.

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