Can I play back a project in DAW when hitting play in MuseScore?

• May 9, 2022 - 08:22


I have a project in Logic, and have set up a score based on key parts in the DAW. I know I can use MIDI IAC driver to have playback from MuseScore be via Logic, but what I actually want to do is for pressing play in MuseScore to result in the entire DAW project playing. That is, so 'play' in MuseScore triggers 'play' in Logic, not necessarily with MIDI data sent. My MuseScore project has same tempo, bars as in Logic, so just sync'ing play buttons would get me what I am after.



This is what JACK Audio does, so you could install and set up that. I think for macOS there might be other options too. If for whatever reason you don't want the MIDI data to play, just mute those tracks.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I guess with this approach, I couldn't stop and start MuseScore at various places in time and have the external audio playback be sync'd in time. Too bad - you'd think with DAWs being able to read MIDI timecode, that it would be fairly easy to have MuseScore and DAW time synchronization. thnks

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