How to change the font of existing lyrics

• Aug 5, 2018 - 16:46

I often use existing scores to practice singing. However, my eyesight is poor and I would like to change the lyrics to a different and larger font. I have tried loading a style, which works on scores written by myself; it also works on some elements of scores written by others, but not on the lyrics! Does anyone know of a way to do what I want, short of retyping (which I have been doing up to now). I would greatly appreciate it!


You can change the style in the current document by right clicking the lyric and selecting Text Style... and change the font on all lyrics on that line at once. You will need to do it for both odd and even lined lyrics.

In reply to by mike320

Thank you, Mike. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to work, maybe because I already loaded a style. When I open Text Style ... the font I want is already there, but if I choose Apply, nothing happens. What does work, however, is selecting a lyric, choosing Text Properties and then choosing Reset to Style. Only the individual lyric selected is changed; so I still have to select each lyric and do the reset. Selecting all lyrics and doing a reset again has no effect. But you've put me on track! I'll keep trying.

In reply to by mike320

As I said, selecting all lyrics does not react to the reset. But I did discover something else. Using the Text Style option, I can change the size of the existing lyrics using Apply. But the type font does not respond to the Apply option. At first I thought it might be that the font I wanted (Salsa) wasn't supported. But even common fonts won't change. I wonder if this might be a bug. Again, thanks for your advice.

In reply to by Luna1949

Luna1949 is correct. Selecting all lyrics, or even several lyrics, does not present any dialogue for changing font. The moment Edit is chosen, the selection disappears and only one lyric can be edited at a time. Frustrating. However, I’ve found a solution:

In MuseScore 3.2.3 (2019) and above…

Select all Lyrics
View Inspector
Select desired font
Click the Remove Custom Formatting button.

Glad I found this!

In reply to by [DELETED] 30791751

I just tried this in MuseScore Going to the Text section in Inspector and simply choosing the desired font changes all selected lyrics. (It is not necessary to click the Remove Custom Formatting button; it is in fact greyed out, so you can't click on it.) What a simple but elegant solution! Thanks to the developers!

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