I can't upload my score, there is a message saying 'Error Can't be sent: ()'. Please, can someone help me

• Jun 14, 2022 - 17:24


In reply to by The Great Pianist 1

The corresponding code:

void LoginManager::onUploadReply(QNetworkReply* reply, int code, const QJsonObject& obj)
      qDebug() << "onUploadReply" << code << reply->errorString();
      if (code == HTTP_OK) {
            constexpr const char* pathKey = "_webview_url";
            _updateScoreDataPath = obj.contains(pathKey) ? obj.value(pathKey).toString() : QString();
            if (obj.value("permalink") != QJsonValue::Undefined) {
                  emit uploadSuccess(obj.value("permalink").toString(), obj.value("id").toString(), obj.value("vid").toString());
            else {
                  emit uploadError(tr("An error occurred during the file transfer. Please try again"));
            emit uploadError(tr("Cannot upload: %1").arg(getErrorString(reply, obj)));

So we're apparently in the outer else branch, but with a rather useless error string of "()". Or in the translation you're using there's something wrong? What language is your MuseScore using?

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I'm currently using the english version, but while scoring the piece i used brazilian portuguese. I changed to english after reinstalling Musescore program. This error happened before and after reistalling.
The first time i tried to upload, this error happened together with a 'error: bad descriptor', after the error popups it created a copy of the score with the termination .mscz.temp but i just can't find this anymore.
I rewrote the whole score in another archive by copypasting the measures and the error still occur.

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