
• Jul 21, 2022 - 17:37

I am puzzled and being driven mad by slashes. I added slashes to a section of improvisation in my score. All good - then for some reason I ended up with 8 instead of 4 per bar in one instrument - no idea why and we are in 4/4. BUT the key is I want to remove them and make one multple bar - you know 8 bars (shown as one bar with a big line and an 8 over the top) and one chord symbol.

A. I can't remove the slashes. If I go to Tools - toggle rhythmic slashes (as directed) I just get crotchet rhythms instead. Is there a simple way to do this other than go through each bar and turn the crotchets into rests?

B. how do you make one long bar account for 8 bars - I can't remember the technical term for it sorry.


Toggle rhythmical slash notation is not a command for removing anything - just for converting between regular notes and rhythmic slash notation.

To remove content from measures - whether notes or slashes - simply select the measures and press Delete.

You can then either re-run Tools / Fill With Slashes, or if you'd rather show the multimeasure rest, press "M".

If you need further assistance, please attach your score and describe what you are having trouble with.

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