Help With Title of Uploaded Score

• Aug 27, 2022 - 02:52

I uploaded the Belarusian anthem and I selected it based on anthems,misc
when i changed the work title as "State anthem of Belarussian SSR",when i save this score,i discovered musescore add "Anthems - Misc" automaticly before the work title " State anthem of Belarussian SSR" and finally, the title is "Anthems - Misc State anthem of Belarussian SSR" yes,this title looks stupid but I can't seem to change it, so sometimes the score title is EXTREMLY LONG and looks disgusting
this thing also happend when i upload other scores,have a look at the Belarusian anthem that i said
and other score i uploaded:
half of my scores title are like this
So, how can I change the title to a normal way
I know there are won't any one reply me

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Belorussia.mscz 99.87 KB


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