Transferring fingerings to other software

• Sep 1, 2022 - 21:26

My interest in this post is informational, only.
Recently there was a thread about fingerings not being transferred to Sibelius. I can confirm this. For no particular reason I did a little testing.
I created a test file in Sibelius with fingerings above the staff. I saved as mxl and opened in MuseScore. Interestingly enough, the fingerings were there but below the staff instead of above.

Then I saved the MuseScore file (with fingerings) as a PDF. The Sibelius PDF reader did not show fingerings.

I made the Sibelius file (with fingerings) into a PDF and imported it into MuseScore. No fingerings. Although fingerings 1 2 3 were shown as a triplet.

I took the MuseScore created PDF (with fingerings) and imported back into MuseScore. No fingerings.

This is not a complaint. Rather a reminder that transferring files between different programs is tenuous at best.


In reply to by bobjp

That's likely an error on the Sibelius side then, as MuseScore has been import/exporting fingerings for a while now (at least it already did in 2.3.2)

I personally would prefer going over MusicXML and then if need be (as per your experience) redo the fingerings in the other software. A PDF export/import cycle is at least as likely to miss (or misinterpret) those fingerings; but also has a good chance of messing up other additional things in the process.

In reply to by jeetee

I don't do anything with fingering so I'm not really worried. I was just interested because I happen to have both programs. So I could experiment.
I suspect that there may be problems on both ends. Remember that MuseScore put fingerings from Sibelius below the staff.
As another experiment, in MuseScore, I put fingerings in as lyrics above the staff. I exported as MusicXML and when I opened in Sibelius, the fingerings were there above the staff.

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