(SOS) Musescore wont load my file and other forum posts haven't helped me (Musescore 3, Windows 10)

• Sep 11, 2022 - 23:31

I have little to no computer knowledge so I'm going to need some help here. I have a homework assignment that's due tonight I've been working on for 20 hours spread out over the past couple days. The most recent time I went to save over the file, my computer froze for an hour, at which point i decided to power it off and retry.

Upon opening muse score, it prompted me to open previous sessions. I clicked on the score which had no thumbnail and it gave me an error message saying the score could not be read.

After browsing through forum posts, I've accessed hidden files and gotten the Musescore 3 folder in AppData. The only score files in there is the corrupted file, and a file version from when I first saved the score multiple days ago, only including a couple measures of music as compared to my lost multiple pages.

When i go to restore previous versions of the .mscz file, no previous versions appears. And as ive checked, musescore should autosave every 2 minutes.

Is there some way I can get a previous version of the file I lost? Or is there a place I'm not looking to find other versions of my lost file? Where can i find the autosaves from every two minutes? I need help, this is urgent.

Attached below is the corrupted file

Attachment Size
you'll be back.mscz 30.11 KB


problem resolved???? for some reason i went to open the old version of the file for a 5th time and it worked and i have all my work back????? I guess i dont need help.

I would not be able to explain how it was fixed-- but i restarted my computer, ran a system virus check thingy, and opened the corrupted file. The file wouldnt open so i opened a file with my score in the thumbnail and a name composed of a jumble of letters and numbers and it worked, despite not working a few minutes ago.

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