Export from DAW, import to MuseScore

• Oct 17, 2022 - 12:18

Hi everyone,

For the following, consider me tech savvy, but not midi savvy. I'm a newcomer to MuseScore.

I have a 11 track production made in Logic that I wish to import into MuseScore.

Before exporting midi I've gone through the hoops of quantizing beginnings and ends of notes, ensuring no accidental overlaps etc to simplify the midi MuseScore will read. So far so good. In the score editor I've indicated style of instrument, but nothing else with regards to declaring the concrete midi instrument equivalent (not sure if it's possible).

I've tried several times now to import the midi exported from Logic.

My goal is to have piano as two stave instrument, the rest as separate single staff instruments. At import, despite advice I've read here in this forum, MuseScore seems to insist of paring tracks into a piano staff in the order they're read from the midi file. I've checked spilt staff in import tab, but it doesn't resolve the issue.

In an ideal world I honestly want MuseScore to make least possible assumptions about the midi file and maybe even offer to import into an already configured score and let me pair instruments from the midi file with instruments in said score, but since that's seemingly not possible, I kindly ask for your support.

I cannot supply the midi material, but I attach a screen shot of the import tab. No specific midi channels have been configured in Logic for these tracks.

Attachment Size
Screen Shot 2022-10-17 at 18.06.40.png 422.66 KB


It indeed looks as if there are no Program Change events at the start of those tracks. Therefor there is no instrument information within the MIDI file and MuseScore default to the default patch of 0, which is the Piano.

Look for how to insert "Program Change" MIDI Events from Logic.

In reply to by jeetee

This worked like a charm! Well, at least until I bumped into another interesting hiccup :D

In my Logic project I have two accordion tracks. I've given them Program change value 21 at the same position. Only the latter track is being identified at import as an accordion, the first one is identifies as a piano.

Interestingly, I've tried to change the track position of the two accordions, the same thing happens.

This lead me to believe, that there is some implied expectation on the instrument before the accordions and lo and behold, after adding another Toy piano track, both accordions were identified as such.

One would think it ends there, but there's a catch: the bass clef of the toy piano didn't show up without me having to add at least one note. An empty track or empty midi region wouldn't do. But there's essentially no need for a bass clef, the toy piano just adds some high pitch texture.

How do I get around this expectation of two tracks in the inbound midi for the toy piano? I realize I can ignore the bass clef of the toy piano when importing, but it feels like a hack that I can't work in Logic without a marker bass clef and marker bass note.

In reply to by jeetee

> I realize I can ignore the bass clef of the toy piano when importing, but it feels like a hack that I can't work in Logic without a marker bass clef and marker bass note.

In addition... to get what I want, based on on research in this forum, I have to:
1. Ignore "bass track" of imported midi for toy piano. This makes a toy piano in MuseScore with two treble staves.
2. Right click on toy piano instrument and Hide when empty = Always (removes 2nd staff).
3. The two accordions are being merged into one instrument, so I have to click split staff.

Again, I wold be really nice to be able to avoid making marker midi for the toy piano ... also, wondering if there are any sub markers for midi events to indicate that the accordions are in fact two different instruments?

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