Musescore 4 - 'user' Template fail (MacOS)

• Dec 18, 2022 - 22:57

Overall: Scores placed in the /Users/~/Documents/MuseScore4/Templates folder are not correctly seen, and not opened.

This is happening on current release and the 0.22 nightly build. MacOS 13.0.1
Both current and nightly build are correct in their preference to the Template directory (it is the default shown above).

New Score dialog > Choose from Template tab > Category column shows an option for My templates [app's capitalization, not mine]. Template column shows an 'Untitled score' as the only template available. That is NOT the name of the template...
However (!) the preview column is correctly showing the file I placed there as the template. So the name (2nd column) is incorrect but the visual preview (3rd column) of the file is correct and clearly shows the template I wish to open.
However, pressing Done merely opens a generic blank file 'Untitled score'.

Again, the preview area is showing it can 'see' the user template - and this is seen in the image attached. Note again that the actual name of the template for this test is Comm Theory Template.mscz

Attachment Size
MS template not loading.png 183.89 KB


I think you're not quite aware of how templates work in MuseScore.
When creating a score from a template MuseScore retains:
* Instrument definitions
* Style settings
It does not retain: all contents (music, texts, images etc..)

In reply to by jeetee

Ahhhh, you would be correct then. I am trying to save myself having to enter multiple Text spacers (and their stylings) as well as a generic page layout (multiple 4 or 8 bar excerpts). The layout content is mostly slash bars.
Hmmm, will think of another way.
Thank you

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