Misunderstanding how scores are encoded

• Dec 22, 2022 - 21:01

I am writing an application that modifies scores outside of MS, and I have encoded something which MS interprets wildly different than what I expected. See the attached score, 2nd staff. When I open it in MS (3.6 and 4.0) it shows 5 quarter notes in the first measure, and 7 in the third, with a half rest. But the XML, unless I am reading it wrong, has 8 8th notes in the second measure, and 4 8th notes plus a half rest in the 3rd.

What have I done wrong?

Attachment Size
Test2.mscx 20.09 KB


Use eighth instead of 8th for the duration-type.

Take note that mscx is an undocumented format; your tools might be better suited (or more universally useful) when written against MusicXML; which does have a published standard.

In reply to by jeetee

Hmm looks viable, there are some formatting elements that might cause issues but I will give it a try, the format does seem cleaner to work with.

More importantly though, is it possible to create a plugin that will save and load musicxml with a hotkey? I have to constantly save and load and doing that through the export menu would be more trouble than it is worth.

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