Opening MuseScore 4 projects

• Jan 2, 2023 - 18:21

I'm having some problems with opening projects in MuseScore 4 that were previously saved in MuseScore 3.

I can open the projects without a problem by loading up MuseScore 4 and using the dropdown menu. When I save them again, I replace the old MuseScore 3 file. But when I try opening the projects again from the file manager, it still tries to open them as MuseScore 3 files, even though I just saved them in MuseScore 4. I then get a message that says that the file could not be opened since it was saved using a newer version of MuseScore and that I should download that version to open the file (which I of course have already done). Then MuseScore 4 always crashes, and I have to load up the projects again.

The program works fine otherwise and I can edit my old projects in MuseScore 4 without a problem. It's just a little annoying to not be able to use the file manager to open my projects since it always ends up trying to open the file in MuseScore 3 instead of in 4. Is there a way to fix this?


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