When adding Lyrics, cannot Ctrl+v repeatedly to add next syllable like previous versions

• Jan 3, 2023 - 17:17

In Musescore 3 and 2 you could copy a text, and paste it into ctlr+l mode, pressing ctrl+v repeatedly it would jump from note to note, pasting the next word or syllable.
On Musescore 4 it just pastes the first word and does not jump to the next, making it unpractical to work with lyrics.

The previous behavior was highly desirable when dealing with the lyrics developed elsewhere (as probably 99% of the poems are), all one had to do was add hyphenation, copy the text and do some minor adjustments.

Is this a bug or was it planned to discontinue this feature?
Is there a way to revert MuseScore 4 files to MuseScore 3 so one could take advantage of the feature without starting from scratch?


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