Quadruplet in 5/8

• Jan 17, 2023 - 19:57

In Musescore 3 you could create a Quadruplet in 5/8 time, however in Musescore 4 if you try to do the same the program gives the error "Cannot create tuplet with ratio 5/4 for duration 5/8.".

Is there any workaround I could do to emulate the same feeling? Initially in the piece I am writing was written in 4/4 with each beat subdivided into 5. For the part in having trouble with, the first 2 beats are written in quintuplets and the last beat is in (4) sixteenth notes.


You could create your quintuplet and other exotic tuplets in 3.6.2, save the file then open it in 4.1. Then copy from that score and paste into your masterpiece where you need a tuplet. Although 4.1 opens files in separate windows rather than having tabs, you can still copy and paste between them.

... however in Musescore 4 if you try to do the same the program gives the error "Cannot create tuplet with ratio 5/4 for duration 5/8."

This is definitely a bad regression in MS 4.0 - also reported at: https://musescore.org/en/node/339357
See the attached screenshots:
MuseScore 3.6.2
Tuplet in 5-4 time -  example A.jpg

MuseScore 4.0.1
Tuplet in 5-4 time -  example B.jpg
Tuplet in 5-4 time -  example C.jpg

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