Cross-staff beaming between different instruments?

• Nov 21, 2024 - 00:15

I’m a General Music teacher for elementary (primary) school, and I’m trying to transcribe some rhythmic exercises from Gunild Keetman’s “Rhythmische Ubung.” I love that I’m having a heck of a time figuring out the best way to accomplish Keetman’s cross-staff beaming in Dorico. Take a look at the attached picture.

That system of 1-line staves represents one player, playing several simultaneous levels of body percussion. The middle two lines ("Pa.") are the patschen, or leg pats. One line for each leg. Up-stem notes are right hand, down-stem notes are left hand.

In Musescore 4, I can create a setup similar to this by adding four different one-line percussion instruments. Problem is, that won't allow for any cross-staff beaming, nor do I know how to bracket together the middle two lines.

Does Musescore have any settings that can accomplish this? Or is it something that would require features to be added?

Attachment Size
Rhythmische ubung.jpg 212.54 KB


You can achieve something similar by making an instrument with two staves (e.g. piano) and then adding staves to it. But you have to do more work by turning the staves into percussion, reducing the number of lines, adjusting the spacing etc. It's a lot of work but here is a quickly-made concept file:

Attachment Size
stomp.mscz 17.98 KB

I took a different approach, for notation at least. Consider as one instrument (human body) with 3 voices Kla, Pa. & Sta and change staff to 4 lines and increase line distance.

This is what I got

Attachment Size
hands.mscz 4.67 KB

In reply to by rothers

Where in the documentation can I find instructions on how to do all these things? I don't know how to create three different instrument names for one instrument, and I don't know how to increase line distance on the staves. I'd also like to know how you got that little bracket for the two middle lines.

In reply to by manncharless

The instrument names are just stave text.
Line distance is set in stave/part properties (right click on the stave) where I also turned off time signature and clef.
In format/style/barlines turned on barline at start of stave.
The bracket off the brackets palette does not work as it extends over the whole stave. I used the bracket from master palette / symbols.
Hid the unwanted rests.
Adjusted the height of the beams.

This is with Musescore 3.7, things may be in different places in Musescore 4.

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