Playback chord symbols in MS4
In MS3, the chord symbols played back unless you disabled them in the mixer which was easy. Generally, I don't want chord symbols to play and in MS4, they do not. However, if I do want to hear them, what do I do? In the new mixer, there is a section on the far right that says, "Chords, Flutes," "Chords, Soprano," etc. but i can't seem to get them to playback. So, what do I do to play the chords?
You can disable/enable playback of all chord symbols in the score by clicking on the cog icon to the right of the playback controls and deselecting/selecting Play chord symbols.
In reply to You can disable/enable… by Jm6stringer
Thanks so much for your reply. I was clicking on the wrong cog control. I really appreciate those of you who monitor these posts and respond so quickly.
In reply to Thanks so much for your… by fredcooper46
You're welcome. Timely and relevant answers are what make the MuseScore forum one of the best places for help. ;-)