German translation

• Feb 2, 2023 - 20:00

I would like to suggest to use the instrument name "Viola" instead of "Bratsche" in the German translation, since the use of the instrument name "Viola" is more common in scores.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thank you. I would like to add that the plural of the instrument name "Viola" is "Violen". I would still prefer to use the singular of the instrument name for the string sections, since the use of the singular of the instrument name is more common in orchestral scores. I would like to suggest to use the track name "Viola (Gruppe)", the long name "Viola" and the short name "Va." for the viola section.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

That is correct. I would like to suggest to use the track name "Violine (Gruppe)", the long name "Violine" and the short name "Vl." for the violin section, the track name "Violoncello (Gruppe)", the long name "Violoncello" and the short name "Vc." for the violoncello section and the track name "Kontrabass (Gruppe)", the long name "Kontrabass" and the short name "Kb." for the contrabass section. I would also like to suggest to use the singular of the instrument name for the string sections in the English version as well.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thank you very much. I would like to suggest to add the full stop to the description "Soloviola." and to use the description "Kontrabass." for the contrabass and the description "Kontrabassgruppe." for the contrabass section, since the instrument name "Doppelbass" is not in use in German.

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