How to have notes share stem after switching staff?

• Feb 27, 2023 - 19:25


I'm an intermediate user on Musescore 3. I'm having an issue where I have a grand staff with a 2 notes in each clef. I want to switch the clef of one note (via shft+cmd+arrow) to the other staff which works fine. Though when I do, each note has it's own stem, whereas if those same two notes were directly inputted, they would share 1 stem.

I've searched the forum and net, and cannot find a way to just take those 2 notes and have them share 1 stem (other the -re-inputting both notes).

I've tried hiding 1 stem and elongating the other, messing with voices, but everything ends up messy or doesn't work. Is there a way to just take 2 notes on the same beat, with their own stems, and have them share one stem (without re-inputting the notes)?

any thoughts/insights are greatly appreciated, thanks!


In reply to by Shoichi

Thanks Shoichi.

Though looking at your example, I don't see how that applies. I wasn't able to produce the result I am after using spacers, though maybe I am missing something or not explaining myself properly. here is a mscz showing how when moving notes to the above staff (2), they are on separate stems, whereas the inputted notes share a stem (3), which is what I'm trying to achieve with the notes that have switch staves. let me know if that is more clear.


Attachment Size
stems example.mscz 12.82 KB

In reply to by bobjp

Right. I was able to get a similar result, though not to be a grump, but I have feeling those are 2 overlapping stems. Which for most purposes are fine. It just so happens there are a lots of cluster voicings in this case, so it gets really messy with a overlapping/joined stems. Will keep it in mind though, maybe I was making it unnecessarily messy/complicated.

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