Staff type change

• May 9, 2023 - 19:19

I need to create a score with a single stave consisting of two or three bars for a cantor, then a short gap (presumably with a frame) and then have a four-stave system in-line following for a four-part choir. I can't seem to achieve this unless I export as an image, then paste and crop in a word processor. Any thoughts would be welcome. Thanks. Alan


Thank you for your help Steve. If I hide empty bars (such as the first bar in this file) globally as you describe in format|style|score, all it does is hide the rests in the otherwise empty bars - it leaves the barlines, clef and bracket. I wonder if this is a compatibilty issue, having started this in MuseScore 2, finished it in MuseScore 3 and now trying to finalise in MuseScore 4.

In reply to by alanwhitetv1

To hide the empty sections of staves you need to tick the "Cutaway" option in the Stave Properties. Those properties are accessed stave by stave by right clicking within the stave. That also hides any empty bars within the main sections though. You can avoid that by adding a staff text and colouring it to match the paper.

However, that leaves the opening bracket and the final double bars in place. You can hide the double bars by selecting them and making them invisible with the keyboard V shortcut. Unfortunately, I am at a loss, how to hide the opening brackets though other than by deleting them entirely.

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