I've been reading through the 'manual' and I'm still a little unclear on how to notate a piece. It has two verses, with a jump to Coda during the second verse. Obviously, I can double the number of pages by having the two verses separately, with the 'coda' on the end, but I'd prefer to have the two verses together in the score and only have it jump to the Coda during the second verse. Is this possible?
It should be, but it'd be much easier to explain if you'd share your score
In reply to It should be, but it'd be… by Jojo-Schmitz
Have yet to finish inputting it, so will post asap, thanks.
In reply to Have yet to finish inputting… by Credochoral
Doesn't need to be finished to get the principle of jumps right
As far as I know: A coda jump works only together with D.S. al coda or D.C. al coda, not alone.
If it does not work with normal repeats and voltas, maybe you mean this:
In reply to As far as I know: A coda… by HildeK
Thanks for input. Here's the score. The sequence should be bars 1 - 47 (which includes verse 1), repeat to beginning and, after bar 23, jump to Coda at bar 48. It's not jumping to Coda, so I've done something wrong!
In reply to Thanks for input. Here's the… by Credochoral
This is because you're not using a Segno but a Segno variation (and haven't adjusted the D.S. al Coda to reflect this). And also repeat barlines.
In reply to This is because you're not… by Jojo-Schmitz
Many thanks. Have amended (and removed the repeat barlines, which are on the original printed score) and it all works fine now.
In reply to Many thanks. Have amended … by Credochoral
Maybe the original wanted that part between segno and to coda played 3 times?
You could also leave the repeat barlines in and modify the play count of the measure with the end repeat barline to 1
In reply to Many thanks. Have amended … by Credochoral
You can, as Jojo-Schmitz stated, use the repeat barlines and modify the play count but then hide the segno sign and the string "D.S. al Coda". Then it still works as intended and a printout looks like the original printed score.