[Solved by tricking the system with JSON] WavesShell 32 and 64 are freezing MuseScore 4.1

• Jul 13, 2023 - 00:01

MuseScore 4.1

I have WaveShell 32 and 64 bit.
the issue is that MuseScore detects it, and it freezes .. I have to kill the process.
To use Musescore I have to remove the plugins, but those are vital with the DAW.

Is there a way to tell to MuseScore to ignore ANY new plugin, till the moment I enable the scan for any reason?

Really: it's not possible to work. Waves is a pain in the *ss but I need it


In reply to by tormyvancool

There is a way to disable a (already scanned) plugin.
(not sure this would work in your case, but it's worth a try)
Search for a file known_audio_plugins.json
(under Linux: ~/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4/known_audio_plugins.json )

change the settings for the bad plugin to
"enabled": false,

In reply to by graffesmusic

i just tried to trick the system and it worked.

At the end of the JSON file I wrote the code here below. It works.

"enabled": false,
"meta": {
"attributes": {
"categories": "Fx|Dynamics|Mastering"
"hasNativeEditorSupport": false,
"id": "Waveshell_x64_VST3",
"type": "VstPlugin",
"vendor": "Waves"
"path": "C:\/Program Files\/Common Files\/VST3\/WaveShell-VST3 9.2_x64.vst3"
"enabled": false,
"meta": {
"attributes": {
"categories": "Fx|Dynamics|Mastering"
"hasNativeEditorSupport": false,
"id": "Waveshell_x64",
"type": "VstPlugin",
"vendor": "Waves"
"path": "C:\/Program Files\/VstPlugins\/WaveShell-VST 9.2_x64.dll"
"enabled": false,
"meta": {
"attributes": {
"categories": "Fx|Dynamics|Mastering"
"hasNativeEditorSupport": false,
"id": "Waveshell",
"type": "VstPlugin",
"vendor": "Waves"
"path": "C:\/Program Files (x86)\/Vstplugins\/WaveShell-VST 9.2.dll"

For me also, MuseScore4 didn't start up at all. It frose imediately and showed that it tries to load the audio plugin "Excalibur.vst3"
I found a posibility to directly disable not scannable VST Plugins by using the command line.
There is a the commandline option "--register-failed-audio-plugins "
Prerequisit is, that the existing "known_audio_plugin.json" is readable. If you have not tempered with it, it should be fine. Otherwise delete it.
Then I registered the vst3 plugin "Excalibur" as failed, with the command:

MuseScore4.exe --register-failed-audio-plugin "C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\Excalibur.vst3"

on the console.
The MuseScore4 application then wrote the information to the "known_audio_plugin.json" and disabled by that the loading of the plugin. Every other plugin luckily could be loaded and so, i didn't need to register another plugin. Now i can work with it no problem.

Btw. to find the console options put in:

MuseScore4.exe --help

Hope that helps...

Attachment Size
register command.png 17.5 KB

Hi, i have the same problem, but i am working with iOS 14.1.1 (Sonoma). If i start MS, it beginns to scan the Audio PlugIns and freezes during searching the "WaveShell-VST 9.2.vst3". All my Waves-PlugIns are V13.

How can i fix it? Thanks for helping!

I'm also hitting this problem. MuseScore 4.4.4 hangs on startup unless I edit known_audio_plugins.json and disable Console 1.vst. Can we please have a fix for this problem? I don't think that it's realistic to expect all 3rd party plugins to scan cleanly, and for your users to be technical enough to edit JSON files.

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