Several pieces in 1 project?

• Jul 17, 2023 - 09:29

I would like to combine several pieces into one "book", or several parts into one piece (think of a baroque suite) in Musescore. But I found out that this is not possible: when you copy the second part to the first, things like clefs, key signatures, time signatures etc will be used from the first part, so you have to go through all this to get it in order, and then again with the third piece added and so on. Offcourse you could start each part/piece with the proper pagenumber, and then combine the pdf's in the proper order, but that is also a lot of work, and error prone, especially if there are changes in the order or number of pages...
What I am looking for is some kind of creating a project/book/suite by combining several musescore files.
Maybe I missed it, but is this really not possible?
And if not are there plans to implement something like this in the near future?
Jeroen Heijungs


In reply to by Malte_M

O yes offcourse I know them, when for instance arranging a baroque suite I use them constantly.
But if I want to combine several pieces to a book, that's quite different!
Besides it is not always handy to edit a complete suite as one file, for instance I arranged several distinct pieces into one suite, and those pieces might also be used apart or in oher combinations...

In reply to by Malte_M

Yes, that is the right term "album", thanks that looks like what I need, though I see there are some restrictions regarding instruments etc, but that does not apply to me, always for 1 instrument.
Is there anything more to say about the time path? It now says in version 4.x with x>0, which is the case now with version 4.1 but it is not there yet.

In reply to by musikai

Yes that works, but it is not ideal to work with, especially not if you want to combine several different pieces together to one album.
Wow, that look like an impressive piece of work you have done! I already decided to use Affinity Publisher which also works very well in combining different pdf's together. But both solutions use yet another application, and I was especially interested to do it all in 1 application...

In reply to by [DELETED] 35588374

Affinity Publisher has come a long way since the time I reviewed it. Saw that it also supports importing multipage-PDFs as linked content now which is great!
Yes, a true Album feature would be great especially when the movements don't span whole pages.
Let's hope that it will also allow mixed instrumentations in a later incarnation.

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