MuseScore4 playback broken on specific file

• Aug 20, 2023 - 22:11

I'm on the latest version of MuseScore, and this file has been unable to produce any playback other than occasionally with the organ later on in the score. Instruments do work when I change them from MS Basic to Muse Sounds, but I would currently prefer to have them on MS Basic, and there are also instruments which do not have Muse Sounds soundfonts anyways.

Attachment Size
Amygdala_Transcription2.mscz 193.65 KB


Velocities of notes set to 1 - inauduble.
To fix:
Open your score.
Press Ctrl+A to select everything.
In the Properties panel, click on 'Playback.
Look for 'Velocity' and click the curved reset arrow.

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