Having one group of strings (Violins 2) play both "pizz." and "arco"

• Nov 9, 2023 - 18:51

I have been playing around with sub-dividing violin sections and have 1 stave where i would like the violins to play "arco" and another stave where i would like them to play "pizz.". However, when i score this in, the play back either plays one or another, not both. Anyone got any ideas on how to fix this in playback?

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Screenshot 2023-11-09 at 18.50.34.png 66.95 KB


If you use a separate stave for the occasional places where the Violins 2 are split, then in Stave/Part Properties you can mark that stave as "Hide when empty = Always" (after entering all the notes for the extra stave). This means that the "extra" stave and the linking bracket will gracefully disappear in any systems where there is no notation for the instrument on that stave. See measures 3-4 in the example below, where the pizzicato line is silent:

Attachment Size
Violins_arco_and_pizzicato_MS4.mscz 21.24 KB

In reply to by DanielR

Thank you very much for taking you time to reply, and I have open'd your score and tested it out. Its works on its own. However, when i play back my score it still only plays either pizz. or arco. in the split violin 2 part. I will upload a section of the score to see if when others open it the same problem occurs.

Attachment Size
violin 2 (2parts).mscz 36.53 KB

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