Playback hiding notes

• Jan 11, 2024 - 14:17


I use Musescore primarily for its playback feature and it's been quite difficult to use since the 4.0 release.

Now most of my issues I have been able to fix with a stop & restart, or just getting used to it, but there is something really bothering to me :
When using playback in continuous mode, the jumps when reaching the end of the screen will hide the first notes of the new bar.

I tried looking for a setting for this but unsuccessfully...


I don't think there is a setting to change that continuous mode behavior.
What other kinds of problems are you having? You shouldn't be having to restart.

In reply to by bobjp

Well I've had some issues such as :
- Playback runing at half speed (and notes being played very low) or double speed.
- Accents on notes causing the note to play continuously throughout the score (only removing the accent solves this).
- Crashes and "lag"
- Playback tool disapearing
- Some crescendo symbols that become black and immense taking up most screen, which I have to delete to see the score (screenshot attached), and it maybe related but some bars being so long I can't scroll through, I have to manually use the scroll bar (2nd screenshot is unzoomed to the extreme to show the lengh of the bar).
Also, there used to be an option to add like a metronome sound counting when pressing play before playing the score, which I can't find now.

Attachment Size
Capturemsc.JPG 186.45 KB
Capture2mscz.JPG 178.23 KB

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