Reminder Accidentals

• Feb 22, 2010 - 13:45

Maybe I'm missing it, but the reminder accidentals seem to be gone in the 0.9.6 r2674 beta. In 0.9.5 they were in the accidentals palette - sharps, flats, & naturals with a parenthesis around them. In the new beta, I don't see them on the palette, although I do see the parenthesis, but I can't figure out how to make it work. Have you changed reminder accidentals and I just can't figure it out?


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Hi Lasconic.
I tried that and it worked,

However, Ctrl+Z to remove the parentheses had no effect.
Also, the asterisk did not appear to demonstrate that the file had changed.

This point also brings up a confusing aspect of MS: some times double click works, sometimes dragging works. I had previously tried dragging the parentheses with no effect.

It would be great to standardize the insertion method.

I got it now - I have to click the accidental then double click the parenthesis. I was clicking the NOTE and then the parenthesis.


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