Automatic recalculation of ambitus?

• Apr 1, 2024 - 14:56

If I change the range of a voice after adding an ambitus, it does not automatically adjust. Will that be made happen in some MS update ? Or, is there a way to manually recalculate the ambitus on all the staves with a single action, at the same time, rather than having to re-drag the ambitus to each stave from the Pitch palette?


"a way to manually recalculate the ambitus on all the staves with a single action,"
As far as I know, this has never been possible in previous versions or in V4.

"rather than having to re-drag the ambitus to each stave from the Pitch palette?"
But there is an easy way to reach this goal: select the clefs by holding down the Ctrl key, and then simple click on the ambitus symbol. See:

Video ambitus.gif

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