Can I make certain instruments in the score invisible?

• May 30, 2024 - 18:36

I'm writing down some basic band exercises, most voices are unison, I only need to see four voices, but I have 26 parts on the score. Can I "hide" the superfluous parts? Or do I just need to make a separate Musescore file with it's own condensed score?
Thanks <3


I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do, but this might be what you need?

With your score displayed, open the Instruments tab at upper left. It will show an entry for each staff in the score. At the left of each staff is an "eye" icon. Click the "eye" to close it and that staff is hidden. Click it again and it reappears.

Why do you have 26 parts if you only need four? Just remove the ones you do not need, in the "Instruments" view/tab/dialog. Or just create a score with the four parts you need.

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