Technical issue on note actual duration

• Jun 28, 2024 - 00:14

Hi, I'm Marco from Italy (Rome). I'm very often in a trouble about the actual notes duration. I mean the way to connect the notes according my own way (staccato, legato, poco staccato, molto legato, etc.). My hearty advice to the MuseScore authors is to make it possible to change the actual duration of notes as a percentage of the note's nominal value. Even more important would be to be able to apply this feature to an entire notes array, thus greatly enhancing the interpretative rendering of a MuseScore sheet music. Just think, in reference to the piano, of the difference between Bach's staccato and Scarlatti's. For example, Bach's staccato would require a setting of 70% for each note (and 30% rest) of a phrase with detached notes, while Scarlatti's staccato would require a setting of 40% (and 60% rest). I think that this consideration alone would be enough to amply justify the implementation of the "actual duration" feature.


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