
• Jul 1, 2024 - 16:57

Why is this here?


Hard to tell from your unspecific question. I guess you mean the "General discussion" forum. If so, there are certainly topics that don't fit the other forums. Like the Rondo question. Or the earlier "how to transcribe music" question someone had. Also, general observations and complaints.
Unless by "this" you mean something like "air". That's a whole different ballgame.

In reply to by Asher S.

Mine shows an ad for Marc's "Mastering MuseScore" course, right at this moment. Other times it shows other ads.

I had understood (someone correct me if I'm mistaken???) that the ads were fed from Google and thus do not particularly have anything to do with MuseScore or even music. I assume that Google is feeding us ads that have to do with our interests ... and it's certain that everyone on this page is interested in music generally, so we'll tend to see ads having to do with music.

I simply don't see ads, just block them out (I'm an advertiser's nightmare :-), so I never pay attention to them. (Not with an ad-blocker: I've just trained my eyes not to see them unless I explicitly look for them.)

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