Harp notation

• Jul 25, 2024 - 16:12

I have been trying to figure out how to add notation for a lever change on a harp. Most of the time this is a diamond notehead placed where the lever change should take place and the key that is being changed. The note that is placed is not being played. I have not been able to figure out how to do this. Any advise would be appreciated. Example below.

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leverChangeExample.jpg 329.36 KB


I'm not a harpist, but...

I did this by entering a dotted half at pitch. I changed the notehead to the hollow diamond. Then, I hid the dot and the stem, and muted the playback. I would imagine that you could copy and paste this, editing as needed, so you wouldn't have to repeat the process.

The first pic shows what it looked like in MSS, and the second as it would print to a PDF

Are you aware that there is a Harp palette. It is not displayed by default; you have to show it by selecting from the Add palettes dropdown. It includes graphical and textual pedal notation, but not the notation that you describe.

Harp Palette.png

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