Importing BIAB files

• Aug 20, 2014 - 17:23

I am trying to import a BIAB file into Musescore. It is an MGU file. I would appreciate any suggestions as to how to accomplish this task but they must be SIMPLE, step by step instructions. Please feel free to assume (correctly) that you are instructing a technologically challenged user. Thanks for helping.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks for your reply. I tried your suggestion but had no success. When I opened Musescore and clicked File>open there is no way that I was able to navigate to the file in BIAB without opening BIAB which is not connected in any way to Musescore and could find no way to open the file in Musescore.

In reply to by wcarskadon

BIAB saves files to folders on your disk, just like MuseScore does. If you saved the file from BIAB, it is in a folder on your disk, but MuseScore doesn't know what folder you saved it to any more than I do. If you know what folder you saved it to, you should be able to navigate there from MuseScore. So the question is, what folder did you save the file to? If you don't remember, go back to BIAB and try to save the file again, but this time pay attention to what folder it saves to.

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