Putting logo in footer

• Oct 13, 2020 - 20:40

Hi. I am trying to put a logo into the footer but it doesnt let me. Is there a way or workaround to do it?


@ jfriedm
Guarda l'allegato; è questo che volevi? Se sì, basta aggiungere una cornice a fondo pagina ed inserirci un'immagine e, se vuoi, anche del testo.
Fammi sapere.
N.B.: mi scuso con chi, nel forum, non sopporta l'italiano.
Buona musica.

Attachment Size
Aggiunta logo.mscz 66.51 KB

Just checking in. I assume this is still not possible?
I have a one hundred fifty page score, and a tiny stamp I’d like at the bottom of every other page. Because of how MuseScore « forgets » the positions of all hand-set slurs, repeats etc. whenever edits resulting in recalculation are made, even if I had the time to use the workaround to insert a frame on every page, I would have to find and reset one hundred fifty pages of symbols. 🫣

Is there a way to save a simple vector image so that MuseScore would recognize it as a font symbol? Those pictograms got in there somehow.. 🤔.

[Ce n’est pas une question de ne pas supporter l´italien, mais de ne pas le parler]

In reply to by rkhirst

In the Musescore documentation, I see that one cannot embed a font in a Musescore file. So even if I save my vector logo as a font and add it to the footer, it won't "follow" the Musescore file to another user. But I see that there are download packages for Musescore with additional glyphs. Is there any way to designate an object as a glyph, for a single project? And store it in the Musescore file?

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