Copy paste no longer working after 4.4.1

• Sep 11, 2024 - 21:41

Strangely I cannot get copy and paste to work now. I have to manually click the edit menu at the top, then initiate the keyboard shortcut. If I don't do that first, the edit menu text won't highlight to show it's been used.


Hm, it looks like copy-paste itself works perfectly fine, it's just that you don't see the Edit menu flashing. I wonder if that's really important...

In reply to by cbjeukendrup

No, it actually doesn't function. I will highlight a chord, press cmd+C, and then go to the next measure and press cmd+V and nothing happens. The menu highlight simply confirms to me that the program isn't receiving the input from the keyboard shortcut. It's only after I manually go through the menu's to copy paste that the keyboard shortcut will start to work. Then it won't again, usually after opt-tabbing to another program to listen to music for transcription work.

In reply to by achase4u

The fact that it doesn't actually work seems unrelated to the fact that the Edit menu doesn't blink. For me, the Edit menu doesn't blink either, while copy/pasting works just fine. Could you show a screenshot of what exactly you are trying to copy/paste? Perhaps that helps us reproducing the issue, so that we can investigate and fix it.

In reply to by cbjeukendrup

Very interesting. Ok here is an example. I highlight that measure and hold cmd-C. When I press cmd-V though, it actually pastes the last thing on the clipboard which is a chord from another part of the score. So in this case, the copy function doesn't work but the paste from clipboard does. However, when there isn't anything in the clipboard, it won't function at all.

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