My score systems in Pg. #1 got somehow pushed up out of the page. How can I bring them back?

• Sep 16, 2024 - 13:45

I really don't know which devilish key combination I pressed that pushed the two score systems in my first page up, so that the upper one is out of the page at all,

I tried to fix it, with no success.

How did it happen?
How to undo it?
I attach the score itself, a screenshot showing the issue, and a Musescore diagnostics ZIP file.


Check the height attribute of the "title" vertical frame
It's in the negative. You don't happen to have any pet mice frolicking about your keyboard behind your back,
do you?

In reply to by worldwideweary

Thanks for your fast comment!

It was indeed a negative value of the TITLE frame height that caused the trouble.

I reverted to a reasonable positive value, and now things look normal.

I wonder if there's any good reason to support negative heights for frames at all, and for TITLE frames in particular.

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