Constant Crashing

• Sep 18, 2024 - 17:24

Please help!

There is no way to contact anyone via the website. Musescore 4.4 and 4.4.1 constantly crash!! WHY?!?! I have lost a tremendous amount of work and have to move on to a different notation software. You have a good product, but it is not sustainable! Please fix this!!!


You are contacting everyone (mainly users) who read this forum.

Have you tried 4.4.2. A lot of bugs have been fixed - some remain.

If you can reproduce a specific crash in the latest version then the developers will be pleased to hear of it so that they can add it to the list of bugs that they are fixing for future releases. That can be done by reporting it on github - here Ensure that you give details of your system and give precise steps that you use to reproduce it and, if possible, attach a score that exhibits the problem.

In reply to by SteveBlower

Hi, Steve! Thanks so much for the quick reply!!! I will do what I can, but I have moved away from MuseScore for the moment. I need to finish the project asap, and I have lost a lot of time due to the constant crashes. I will come back to it in a week or so with a new project and send in all the data.

The biggest issue with 4.4 and 4.4.1 is it really, REALLY does not like working with XML files that have extra beats or rests in a bar. It often thinks the file is corrupt but allows me to work on it anyway. When fixing the additional beat/rest issue, it will crash at random times (I'll report this to the link you provided).

Thanks again,


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