Beam arrangments

• Sep 24, 2024 - 03:59

Please inform how to separate the beams to make each beat separated from the next without the beam going across the beats. Eg. In Alla Breave (2/2 time), I need triplet quavers, followed by dotted crotchet and quaver, and have each group of notes separate, but the automatic default setting beams both groups together. For clarity, I want to have each group separated. Hopefully that makes sense. Let me know if it possible to separate the beams, and how to do that.


You say that "beams boths groups together". That's not what I observe by default - image below.
Are you up to date (currently version 4.4.2) ? I remember a problem with dotted values and beams in a previous version.
Possibly attach an image to avoid any confusion, because you're talking about one eighth-notes/quavers triplet, but to complete the measure/bar, I've entered two (on the first two beats?).

alla breve.jpg

In reply to by cadiz1

My apologies. I meant to say it was triplet quavers follow by dotted quaver and semiquaver and not dotted crotchet and quaver. That's why it probably didn't make sense. However, I did manage to fix it to have separate triplets and the dotted rhythms beamed on their own without the beam connecting the two groups. Thanks for your reply.

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