show tablature on piano stave?
Hi all,
I want to write a guitar part on the tablature stave but I would like to see the same notes displayed on the piano stave above. Is there some way of having the piano notes materialise when the tablature is written?
Yes - use a linked staff:…
In reply to Use a linked staff: https:/… by Brer Fox
Which isn't exactly a piano staff, but close enough
In reply to Use a linked staff: https:/… by Brer Fox
Thanks for your advice. I’m really close to getting this to work. When I click create a linked staff it just gives me the same as the existing staff. I can change staff type no problem but when I create a linked staff it just doubles what is there either standard or tab.
In reply to Thanks for your advice. I’m… by gavwwheeler
Yes, that is to be expected. When you first create the linked staff, MuseScore has no way to know which of the dozens of tab staff types you want. Once created, select the linked staff (or the original, as you please) and change the staff type to the type you want (General or Tab).
My own preference is to set the original to the General type, create a linked staff, then change the linked staff to Tab. 6-str. full.
In reply to Yes, that is to be expected… by TheHutch
Thanks very much, this worked. It was the going back to the linked staff and changing the instrument I wasn't doing.
In reply to Thanks for your advice. I’m… by gavwwheeler
One way, from Handbook link above:
You can save as a template.
In reply to One way, from Handbook link… by Brer Fox
Saving as a template, great idea thanks.