Constant Corruptions

• Nov 25, 2024 - 01:18

Basically, I am on the latest version of Musescore, and have my Mac up to date and everything, yet still face constant corrupted files. Usually, just deleting the measure and remaking it easily fixes this, but even this strategy isn't working, and I'm not sure what to do... Any ideas?


Definitely one thing to try is to find a way to replicate the problem. That is, if you do X, then Y, then Z, you reliably get a corrupt file.

Report your computer hardware and OS specs and your MuseScore version (don't just say "the latest version", identify the specific version).

This is a problem that has been happening (to a relatively few people) for some time and, until it can be reliably replicated, there's no way for the developers to identify and solve whatever problem is happening.

In reply to by DelphinusV5

You wrote:
...I found that the error is consistently adding too many/too little beats into the measure...

Be sure you are not inadvertently using the insert note input method.
which can produce measures of varied durations - and therefore not honor the notated time signature.
It states:
"Because inserting and notes may cause the measure duration to increase or decrease beyond what is specified by the time signature, a small "+" or "-" sign will be shown above the measure when this happens."

Use step-time note input.
which is the basic, default method to enter notes.

To change note input methods, see:…

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