Appending .mscz file to open score

• Dec 2, 2024 - 15:21

Is it possible to append (add) a score from another .mscz file to opened score to a new page? If so, how to do this? Is it possible for the appended score to start on that new page with its own title and other attributes (tonality, number of staves per system, etc.)?


> * to append (add) a score*
At the end of the first score, make a "section break". Then add as many measures as you need.
Now you should set the key signature and time signature in the second score. Then copy the notes from the first score and paste them into the newly created measures.
You cannot change the number of instruments (staves per system?), but you can hide instruments that are not playing.

In reply to by Damir Šimunović

That is correct. You cannot simply load a file to add/append it to another score.

And there's even a caveat to the copy. If the added score has any time signature changes, you'll need to copy each time signature section separately. Time signatures will not copy.

For example, let's say that the score you are adding has 20 measures in 4/4, 10 measures in 3/4, then another 20 measures in 4/4. So, add the section break. Set the time signature in the new section to 4/4. Copy the first 20 measures of the added score to the combined score file. Then set the time signature to 3/4 and copy the 10 measures in that time signature to the combined score file. Then set it back to 4/4 and copy the 20 measures into the combined score.

In reply to by TheHutch

"If the added score has any time signature changes, you'll need to copy each time signature section separately."

That's not entirely true. If you first insert all the changes of key signature and time signature into your blank target score, then you can copy the entire original source score into the new target structure with a single copy-and-paste. Try it with the attached sample scores.

[EDIT] The task becomes much easier if you temporarily set bar numbers (measure numbers) to be displayed for every bar (Interval = 1) in both the source score and the target score.

Attachment Size
Source_score.mscz 17.79 KB
Target_score.mscz 16.71 KB

In reply to by DanielR

It doesn't matter for the key signature, you can still adjust it afterwards.

But the time signature has to be right. And if you have a larger score, then it's not awkward to just copy from time signature change to time signature change. This saves you the annoying task of counting many empty measures. You would have to do that beforehand ...

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