Exporting changes key signature

• Dec 2, 2024 - 23:26

I set the "prefer sharps or flats for transposed key signatures" in part properties to sharps for an instrument, but when I export that part as a PDF File, the key signature is flat instead. How can I fix this?


In reply to by goosegohonk

You actually have Prefer flats selected in each part's properties. Perhaps you forgot to hit the Apply button after changing it. That has to be done every time before moving on to another part using the arrow buttons in the properties dialogue otherwise the changes get lost. But even so, the pdf export should (and did) look like the score in the editor window.

See this issue on github https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues/25494. The fix should appear in the upcoming version 4.5 (but not in the even more imminent 4.4.4, unfortunately}.

And here is your score with the Prefer sharps option selected.

Merry Go Round Of Life (Sax Quartet) PREFER SHARPS.mscz

In reply to by goosegohonk

Gosh! so it does!

There is some weird behaviour going on here.

If I go through the score changing the setting to "sharps" in each part and hitting the apply button before switching parts with the arrow buttons. I can then scroll back through the parts with the arrow buttons and confirm that the setting is indeed "sharps".

If I then open all the parts - the setting in each of those is "auto" except for the bari part where it is "sharps".

If I save the score after changing the setting but before creating the parts and then reopen it the indication shown in the properties dialogue gets reset to "flats" for all parts. However, the effect of the setting seems to be preserved as the prefer sharps setting as the key signatures of 6 and 7 sharps in measure 219 indicate.

Now if I open the parts the setting of all parts is "auto" including the bari part.

This seems to be a recurrence of something like this issue https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues/18655 which, if I understand correctly the history reported there, should have been fixed in version 4.2 by this PR https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/pull/18656

Please report this on github. I think a new issue would be best as this may be a new bug, but include a reference to the closed one (#18655).

Meantime, it seems that you will need to create the parts first and then change the setting in each of them to "Prefer sharps" before exporting them - tedious and annoying!

In reply to by SteveBlower

Odder and odder!

I tried creating a new sax 4tet score including a 4 sharp concert key signature. I left it empty of notes.

After setting all parts to "prefer sharps" if I save and reload, the indication in the properties for all parts in the score is changed to "prefer flats" but the key signatures are still 6 and 7 sharps. The individual parts also show "prefer flats" but show key signatures with 6 and 7 sharps.

This behaviour seems different to that with the score you provided where the option was reset to "auto" and some of the key signatures were flatted.

How did you create the score that you provided? Did you start with a template? Did you create the score in an earlier version of Musecore? DId you create it in another application and import it into musescore as a musicxml file?

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