Lyrics - can't copy
I have tried every which way to copy lyrics to Note Pad (my clipboard?) so I can reassign some lyrics to different voices, but alas........... When I select and right click it shows the options - cut, copy, paste, delete, etc, but the only one that works is delete - no help to me here. In Finale lyrics automatically went into a text editor.
There should be a way to simply highlight a lyric and then copy or delete it.
In reply to There should be a way to… by treblecross
They are available.
First you have to select the lyrics. There are several methods for this.
If you want to edit the lyrics outside of Musescore, there is a command under "Tools -> Copy Lyrics to Clipboard". (Version 3.6.2)
If you want to paste the lyrics to another place in the same score, simply use "Copy & Paste" by selecting the note where you want the paste to occur.
If you want to delete it, press "Delete".
In reply to They are available. First… by HildeK
Still can't make copy and paste work except for one note / syllable. I want to copy a whole verse worth of lyric to another part. I do "Select similar on staff", and the whole verse is highlighted, but then I can't make anything happen.
In reply to AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! Still can… by treblecross
Do: Click on the first syllable -> Shift + click on the last / Copy / Paste on the destination note.
Or: Right-click on a syllable of the verse concerned / Select / More / Check "Same subtype", say Verse 1, and ditto for the staff if necessary ? / OK
Copy then Paste